The future of paint is found in the past.
Paint and protect exterior and interior surfaces without solvents.
Lasts for decades on wood, steel, iron, and plastic.
For masonry surfaces such as concrete, use Allbäck's Emulsion technique.
Add Allbäck Zinc Oxide Additive when when painting outdoors or in humid areas.
Our Linseed Oil Paint is made in Sweden and is not subject to tariffs in the USA or Canada. To view more information on USA / Canada tariffs, click here.

This is what makes pure linseed oil paint different: It is a penetrating paint, not a surface coating. Use the same paint outdoors and indoors and for all coats – no primer required. When painting on untreated, dried timber outdoors, first impregnate with Allbäck Purified Raw Linseed Oil for even longer-lasting protection. This is like moisturizer for your building - not makeup.

Pure linseed oil paint does not crack or peel, and it will never trap moisture that will cause wood to rot. Instead, it fades gradually over time and gives early signals when maintenance is required. Maintain the paint over time with an application of Allbäck Purified Boiled Linseed Oil or Linseed Oil Wax on the dry, aged surface. Never scrape again.

Not only does Allbäck Linseed Oil Paint cover more than twice the area of modern coatings, but because it absorbs and integrates with the wood, it can also last at least twice as long.
Allbäck Linseed Oil Paint can bond to virtually any surface that is clean and dry other than silicone and build a protective film. This means that the long-term protection of pure linseed oil paint offers much greater value over time.

Pure linseed oil paint is not sensitive to freezing or to very hot weather, meaning the paint can be stored below freezing, and it can be applied in direct sunlight.
Heat helps to improve the application. The paint will flow out more evenly across the surface and penetrate deeper into the substrate. Minimum operating temperature is 14ºC (57ºF). Maximum moisture content is 14%.

Clean brushes, hands, and other surfaces with linseed soap and water. No solvents are needed with pure linseed oil paint.
During the work, you can hang brushes with the bristles in Purified Raw Linseed Oil, so they do not solidify and harden. It is then sufficient to wipe the oil from brushes in a cloth before continuing again with the paint. When you have finished painting and the brushes are to be washed, clean them with Linseed Soap.

Allbäck is known as much for their high quality linseed oil products as they are for their work as craftsmen and as educators. They have created a complete system of materials that has been used, tested, and documented in their own projects since 1982. Their paint and their Windowcraft methods have been used on some of the most prominent heritage structures in the world, including the Château de Versailles in France, Holkham Estate in England, and Parliament Hill in Canada.

Allbäck produces the purest linseed oil paint, with the highest classification of health and environmental ratings. They are emissions tested and approved by the Swedish Work Environment Authority and the Swedish National Heritage Board. They are the only linseed paint company to achieve a GREEN ARROW in the Swedish Environmental Building Material Assessment by Byggvarubedömningen . Allbäck Linseed Oil Paint is also the only one that is classified "A" by SundaHus building materials assessment of “healthy homes”.
This is what makes pure linseed oil paint different: It is a penetrating paint, not a surface coating. Use the same paint outdoors and indoors and for all coats – no primer required. When painting on untreated, dried timber outdoors, first impregnate with Allbäck Purified Raw Linseed Oil for even longer-lasting protection. This is like moisturizer for your building - not makeup.
Pure linseed oil paint does not crack or peel, and it will never trap moisture that will cause wood to rot. Instead, it fades gradually over time and gives early signals when maintenance is required. Maintain the paint over time with an application of Allbäck Purified Boiled Linseed Oil or Linseed Oil Wax on the dry, aged surface. Never scrape again.
Not only does Allbäck Linseed Oil Paint cover more than twice the area of modern coatings, but because it absorbs and integrates with the wood, it can also last at least twice as long.
Allbäck Linseed Oil Paint can bond to virtually any surface that is clean and dry other than silicone and build a protective film. This means that the long-term protection of pure linseed oil paint offers much greater value over time.
Pure linseed oil paint is not sensitive to freezing or to very hot weather, meaning the paint can be stored below freezing, and it can be applied in direct sunlight.
Heat helps to improve the application. The paint will flow out more evenly across the surface and penetrate deeper into the substrate. Minimum operating temperature is 14ºC (57ºF). Maximum moisture content is 14%.
Clean brushes, hands, and other surfaces with linseed soap and water. No solvents are needed with pure linseed oil paint.
During the work, you can hang brushes with the bristles in Purified Raw Linseed Oil, so they do not solidify and harden. It is then sufficient to wipe the oil from brushes in a cloth before continuing again with the paint. When you have finished painting and the brushes are to be washed, clean them with Linseed Soap.
Allbäck is known as much for their high quality linseed oil products as they are for their work as craftsmen and as educators. They have created a complete system of materials that has been used, tested, and documented in their own projects since 1982. Their paint and their Windowcraft methods have been used on some of the most prominent heritage structures in the world, including the Château de Versailles in France, Holkham Estate in England, and Parliament Hill in Canada.
Allbäck produces the purest linseed oil paint, with the highest classification of health and environmental ratings. They are emissions tested and approved by the Swedish Work Environment Authority and the Swedish National Heritage Board. They are the only linseed paint company to achieve a GREEN ARROW in the Swedish Environmental Building Material Assessment by Byggvarubedömningen . Allbäck Linseed Oil Paint is also the only one that is classified "A" by SundaHus building materials assessment of “healthy homes”.

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Paint and Cut

To Nurture Our Cultural Heritgage
Notes on Colour
Colour Accuracy
The colours displayed online and in print material may be subject to small variations due to the limitations of digital display and of the printing process. Testing colours using a small amount of the actual paint on a representative surface will always be the most accurate.
Colour samples are matched as closely as possible to the final paint colour as new and at full sheen. It is natural for the paint colour to change over time as the paint ages and fades.
Linseed Oil Paint becomes yellow in dark spaces or if it comes into contact with chemicals such as those in cleaning products with a high pH value, certain aerosol or beauty spray products, and lye solutions. Yellowing may also occur when painting close to a surface painted with plastic paint. This is a visual problem only, more visible in the lighter colours, and does not affect the performance of the paint.
Custom Colours & Colour Matches
Custom colours and colour matches are possible. Send us a clean colour sample, minimum 1" x 1", and we will do an initial analysis and get in touch with some recommendations for next steps.
Click here for more information on Custom Colour and Order Timelines from Allbäck.
Try out our Colour Wheel Mixing Guide to assist in mixing your own custom colours.
Standard Colour Palette
Click each colour below for specific details, sizes, and prices.
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