Parchment Linseed Oil Paint
- Single pot system - no primer required.
- Use the same paint for exterior and interior projects and for all coats.
- Covers more than twice the surface area than alkyd and plastic paints.
See our notes on colour for more detail.
About Allbäck Linseed Oil Paint
- Paint and protect exterior and interior surfaces without solvents.
- Lasts for decades on wood, steel, iron, and plastic.
- For masonry surfaces such as concrete, use Allbäck's Emulsion technique.
- Add Allbäck Zinc Oxide Additive when painting outdoors or in humid areas.
- Made for craftspeople by craftspeople for more than 40 years.
- Tested and well documented.
- Made with the highest quality ingredients and without solvents.
- Penetrate, protect, and nourish wood from the inside out.
- Superior coverage, longevity, and value.
- Paint in direct sunlight, and store at any temperature.
- Easy to maintain over time with Boiled Linseed Oil or Linseed Oil Wax.
- Clean up with Linseed Soap and water.
- For the health of the building, the craftsperson, and the environment.
Technical Details
Binder : Boiled, cold-pressed, cleaned, and sterilized linseed oil from Sweden.
Pigment : Titanium dioxide, Chalk, Iron oxide, Earth pigments.
Drier : Manganese Siccative.
Thinning : If necessary, thin with max. 5% Allbäck Purified Boiled Linseed Oil.
Dry matter : 100% by volume. Nothing evaporates from the paint.
VOCs : <5mg / L, natural oil only.
Application : Stir well. Apply thin coats with a stiff brush.
Coverage : 15 - 20 m² per litre (161 - 215 sqft per litre), depending on the substrate.
Cleaning : Allbäck Linseed Soap and water. Rinse well and allow to dry. Store brushes hanging in Allbäck Purified Raw Linseed Oil.
Drying time : Approximately 24 hours at room temperature, with good ventilation and low humidity.
NCS : S 1005-Y20R
Technical Documents
- Little Handbook About Allbäck Linseed Oil Paint
- Le Petit livre de la peinture à l'huile de lin Allbäck
Companion Guides by Sage Restoration
- General Guidelines for Allbäck Linseed Oil Paint
- Conditions générales d'utilisation de la peinture à l'huile de lin Allbäck
Safety Data Sheets