White Linus Wall Paint
This product contains water and is susceptible to freezing. Take care during shipping and storage. See our policy on Shipping During the Winter for more details.
- Solvent-free and fire-safe.
- Flat paint for all indoor and outdoor surfaces.
- Add 20% Zinc Oxide Additive when using the paint outdoors.
About Allbäck Linus Wall Paint
- Completely natural matte wall paint for a healthy house.
- Matte, breathable, durable, and washable.
- For all interior and exterior surfaces.
- Add Allbäck Zinc Oxide Additive when painting outdoors or in humid areas.
- Beautiful, thick emulsion paint without hazardous chemicals or solvents.
- Can be painted on virtually any surface indoors and masonry surfaces outdoors.
- Durable, washable and completely matte.
- Ideal for stencilling.
- Heat resistant and will not produce dangerous fumes if burned.
- Versatile paint that can be made into a spackle.
Technical Details
Binder : Boiled, cold-pressed, cleaned, and sterilized linseed oil from Sweden.
Pigment : Titanium dioxide, Chalk.
Drier : Manganese Siccative.
Thinning : If necessary, dilute with water up to a maximum of 30%. To achieve a smoother surface, add about 10%.
Dry matter : approx. 75% by volume.
VOCs : <5mg / L, natural ingredients only.
Application : Stir well. Apply with a roller or a brush.
Coverage : 10 m² per litre (107 sqft per litre).
Cleaning : Allback Linseed Soap and water. Rinse well and allow to dry.
Drying time : Recoat after approximately 24 hours at room temperature, with good ventilation and low humidity.
NCS : S 0502-Y
Little Handbook About Allbäck Linseed Oil Paint
Le Petit livre de la peinture à l'huile de lin Allbäck