NEW Dana Linseed Glazing Putty
The Convenience Putty
Based on a formula of linseed oil and chalk, this putty from Denmark is used for glazing windows. The controlled oil content of the putty makes it soft and easy to work with and requires less preparation before using.
A drier putty formula can be more prone to cracking in place and separating from the wood over time, especially on windows painted with darker colours, so it is important to ensure the wooden substrate or glazing rebate is well oiled or sealed with a primer. It can also have a shorter shelf life.
Note: Not recommended to use with shellac or acrylate primers.
Tip from Scandinavian WindowCraft
If you knead equal parts of Dana Linseed Glazing Putty together with Allbäck Linseed Oil Putty, you get a putty mix that is easy to work with but with better longevity. They have been working with this mixture for many years and have seen its performance over time.
TDS Dana Linseed Glazing Putty 375 mL
TDS Dana Linseed Glazing Putty 5 Kg
SDS Dana Linseed Glazing Putty 375 mL
SDS Dana Linseed Glazing Putty 5 Kg