Ocean Blue Linus Wall Paint
This product contains water and is susceptible to freezing. Take care during shipping and storage. See our policy on Shipping During the Winter for more details.
- Solvent-free and fire-safe.
- Flat paint for all indoor and outdoor surfaces.
- Add 20% Zinc Oxide Additive when using the paint outdoors.
About Allbäck Linus Wall Paint
- Completely natural matte wall paint for a healthy house.
- Matte, breathable, durable, and washable.
- For all interior and exterior surfaces.
- Add Allbäck Zinc Oxide Additive when painting outdoors or in humid areas.
- Beautiful, thick emulsion paint without hazardous chemicals or solvents.
- Can be painted on virtually any surface indoors and masonry surfaces outdoors.
- Durable, washable and completely matte.
- Ideal for stencilling.
- Heat resistant and will not produce dangerous fumes if burned.
- Versatile paint that can be made into a spackle.
Technical Details
Binder: Boiled, cold-pressed, cleaned, and sterilized linseed oil from Sweden.
Pigment: Titanium dioxide, Iron oxide, Chalk.
Drier: Manganese Siccative.
Thinning: If necessary, dilute with water to a maximum of 30%. To achieve a smoother surface, add about 10%.
Dry matter: approx. 75% by volume.
VOCs: <5mg / L, natural ingredients only.
Application: Stir well. Apply with a roller or a brush.
Coverage: 10 m² per litre (107 sqft per litre).
Cleaning: Allbäck Linseed Soap and water. Rinse well and allow to dry.
Drying time: Recoat after approximately 24 hours at room temperature, with good ventilation and low humidity.
NCS: S 3020-B30G
Little Handbook About Allbäck Linseed Oil Paint
Le Petit livre de la peinture à l'huile de lin Allbäck